Corporate Offices
KT Enterprises Inc. operates from our corporate headquarters at 8040 Industrial Park Court in Bristow, Virginia, staffed by company officers, accounting department, sales/design teams, purchasing departments, production departments and maintenance shop.
KT’s Sales and Design Teams consists of professionals who estimate all aspects of landscape construction and irrigation related projects and stay involved through the installation/construction process, responding to changes in the projects and offering design suggestions and revisions as required during the course of the projects. Our team is available throughout respective warranty periods to assure a complete return on your landscape and irrigation investment.
Our Team also works directly with our purchasing agents who strive to locate and procure the highest quality material from a variety of sources across the United States on a timely basis. Our buyer frequently visits nurseries to monitor the quality of material being grown and to hand pick material used for specific jobs.
KT also maintains a Vehicle Repair and Equipment Shop at our headquarters to provide preventative maintenance and repairs to minimize any possible downtime. This translates into a more efficiently run and cost effective project. The shop consists of 8,800 square feet of space staffed by three full time mechanics with a complete parts inventory.