Brambleton Barn Islands [August 2023]

KT Enterprises [KTE] continues to be the landscaper of choice in Brambleton. With over twenty years of landscaping history with this development in Loudoun County we have begun a specialty project at the Barn that has been converted to an event center.  These photos highlight the first phase with extensive sodding and parking-lot trees installed that we purchased in the spring and kept happy and healthy at our twelve-acre nursery until installation in August.  Most parking lot islands are flat and geometrical in shape but you can see these have a lot of topography and free form adding to the challenge to re-spread topsoil, lay sod, and irrigate.  Working closely with our affiliated companies, KT Irrigation [KTI] and Total Development Solutions [TDS], this project is rapidly moving forward with the value added benefit of teamwork that we bring to projects.  We will have future posts to show the additional scope of this project.

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